Anyone for (table) tennis?

The Westow Table Tennis team  are short of a team member or two and are looking for new players.

Do you know someone who might be interested?

The season runs from October to late March, one match a week,
home matches played at 7pm on Wednesdays and away matches usually played
at either Amotherby or Pickering.

It is enormous fun, competitive but played in good spirit and there are
a great group of players within Ryedale.  You definitely don’t need to
be an expert but keen and a bit of competitiveness is good!

Our home matches are played at Westow village hall.

If you are interested please email Sara:


Letter from the Citizens’ Advice Bureau

Dear Westow Parish,

It feels like five minutes since we last wrote to you and it’s hard to believe a whole year has gone by. Perhaps it’s the increasing demand and pace of work this year that has made it go so quickly. The themes we have been dealing with particularly in your area of benefit mainly relate to increasing anxiety around income and fear of energy costs, health, and security. We are also seeing concerns around housing and access to local services, particularly for those experiencing rural or other isolation.

In the Ryedale district in 2022-2023 we helped 1,171 individuals with 7,265 problems. In Westow Parish we helped 3 people.

We gave a range of advice from a one-off simple consumer enquiry through to specialist preventative services to stop debt/ homelessness occurring, and representation at tribunals and court. We ran a main service in Malton which had drop-in sessions or appointments most days of the week, along with outreach advice at Pickering, Helmsley and Kirkbymoorside.

Our Mobile Advice Van and Bus also visited various locations throughout the year including markets, libraries, community groups, and events. We were joined by some of our partners including Warm & Well in North Yorkshire, IDAS, NY Fire and Rescue Service, and MIND, helping to promote all our services and reaching those in real isolation.

We are not a popular charity for public donations as most of the public think we are a statutory body which is not true. Demand for our service is at crisis point at the current time. Before Covid our helpline had a demand of an average 250 calls a week. It now has an average of 650 calls a week. We are trying to do what we believe is vital for our vulnerable clients and keep all our on-ground services open while meeting our phone demand. In some areas we are one of the few open-door services left that people can walk into and get support and talk to real people.

Please help us keep our service on the ground and face to face. We can assure you that any donations received, no matter how small, will be spent delivering our service to people in your area. If you would like to make a donation, and are unsure how to do this, please reply to this email for further information.

If you cannot help this year we understand and ask that you help publicise our services to your community. If you would like more information or for us to come and give a talk to Westow Parish council about the work we do, please let us know.

Yours truly,

PP. Carol Shreeve, CEO

Draft Prohibition of HCVs Order – Kirkham Bridge

The North Yorkshire Council (hereinafter referred to as “the Council”) in exercise of their powers
under Sections 1(1), 2(1), 2(2), 2(4) and 3(2) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (“the 1984 Act”)
and Part IV of Schedule 9 to the 1984 Act and of all other enabling powers and after consultation with
the Chief Officer of Police in accordance with Part III of Schedule 9 to the 1984 Act, hereby make the
following Order.
1. This Order shall come into operation on $TBC and may be cited as “The North Yorkshire
Council (Prohibition of Heavy Commercial Vehicles in Excess of 7.5 Tonnes Maximum Gross
Weight) (C181 Kirkham Bridge) Order 2023 “.
2. In this Order “heavy commercial vehicle” means any goods vehicle which has an operating
weight exceeding 7.5 tonnes.
3. Save as provided in article 5 of this Order no person shall except upon the direction or with
the permission of a Police Constable in uniform use or cause or permit any heavy commercial
vehicle to proceed in either direction along the length of road specified in the Schedule to this
4. (1) Nothing in article 4 of this Order shall render it unlawful for any heavy commercial
vehicle to proceed along the length of road specified in article 4 if the vehicle is being
(a) for or in connection with the conveyance of goods/for the purposes of access
to or from any premises on or adjacent to that road or length of road,
(b) for the purposes of agriculture on any land adjacent to that road or length of
road or for or in connection with the conveyance or haulage of timber felled
upon any such land, or
(c) in connection with the carrying out of any of the following operations,
(i) building industrial or demolition operations,
(ii) the removal of obstructions to traffic,
(iii) the maintenance, improvement or reconstruction of any road,
(iv) the laying, erection, alteration or repair in or in land adjacent to any
road of any sewer or any main, pipe, cable or apparatus for the
supply of water, gas or electricity or of any electronic communications
network or electronic communications service as defined in Schedule
3A and Section 32 of the Communications Act 2003,
(d) for fire brigade, police or ambulance purposes,
(e) to proceed to or from any premises at which the vehicle on that occasion is to
be or has been garaged, serviced or repaired,
(f) in the service of a Local Authority or Water Authority in pursuance of statutory
powers or duties of that Authority,
(g) for the purpose of access to or from any premises on or adjacent to any other
public road which has a junction with the length of road specified in the
Schedule to this Order and that premises or land can only be accessed by
means of the length of road specified in the Schedule to this Order.
(2) In this article any reference to premises or land is a reference to premises or land, in
whole or in part, to which access for heavy commercial vehicles for any of the
purposes specified in article 5(1) of this Order can be obtained by means only of a
road specified or referred to in article 4 of this Order and any reference to the carrying
out of any operations is a reference to the carrying out of such operations on any
premises, land or road specified in article 5(1) of this Order.
5. The prohibitions and restrictions imposed by this Order shall be in addition to and not in
derogation from any restriction or requirement imposed by any Order or regulations made or
having effect as if made under the Act or by or under any other enactment.
6. “North Yorkshire County Council (Prohibition of Vehicles in Excess of 13 Tonnes Maximum
Gross Weight) (Kirkham Bridge) Order 2016” is hereby revoked in its entirety

Proposal to prohibit heavy vehicles – Kirkham Bridge

NOTICE is hereby given that North Yorkshire Council proposes to make an Order under Sections 1(1), 2(1),
2(2), 2(4) and 3(2) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and Part IV of Schedule 9 to the 1984 Act, the
effect of which will be to prohibit any heavy commercial vehicle (i.e. any goods vehicle which has an operating weight exceeding 7.5 tonnes) from proceeding along any road or length of road specified in the following table, except for certain permitted purposes which include the conveyance of goods/access to or from premises situated on or adjacent to any of those roads, for the purposes of agriculture on land accessible from and only from any of those roads or for the garaging, servicing or repairing of a vehicle at premises accessible from and only from any of those roads.

1 C181 Kirkham Kirkham Bridge
A copy of the draft Order, together with a map showing the road affected and a statement of the Council’s
reasons for proposing to make the Order may be inspected at County Hall, Northallerton and at Malton
Library, St Michael Street, Malton, YO17 7LJ during normal office hours from 5 July 2023 until 11 August 2023
and also viewed online at and
If you wish to object to the proposed Order, you should send the grounds for your objection, in writing,
addressed to Area 4 Kirby Misperton Highways Office, Beansheaf Industrial Park, Tofts Road, Kirby
Misperton, Malton, North Yorkshire YO17 6BG or by email to or via
the website link above by 11 August 2023.
BARRY KHAN, Assistant Chief Executive Legal and Democratic Services, County Hall, NORTHALLERTO

20’s Plenty for North Yorkshire – Survey

This is a National Campaign for default 20mph limits where people live, work, shop, learn and play. The campaign argues that with a lower speed limit the quality of life improves. Places become safer, healthier, quieter, cleaner, better for everyone. Less danger leads to 20% fewer road casualties and less fear.

If you are interested please complete the survey by clicking the link below:

20s Plenty for North Yorkshire : Speed Review – Whitby Community Network

Green Dog Walkers Scheme

Ryedale District Council are launching the Green Dog Walkers Scheme.  Dogs are a valued part of the community in Ryedale, with many dogs living in the area. We want to make sure the good practices of many dog owners are shared and celebrated.

It is a non-confrontational and friendly way to change attitudes about dog fouling.

Green Dog Walkers are role models for responsible dog ownership and sign up to the pledge to always:

  • Clean up after their dog
  • Carry extra dog waste bags
  • Be happy to be approached to ‘lend’ a dog poo bag to those without
  • Be a friendly reminder to other dog walkers to clean up after their dogs

Dog owners who take the pledge will play a part in helping to keep their communities free from dog fouling. They will receive a free dog collar and tag.

Over 95 people have now signed up and after a successful pilot we’re officially launching the project across the district.

Residents and visitors can sign the Green Dog Walkers pledge online via the link below to the Council’s public consultation and engagement platform Commonplace.

Have Your Say Today – Sign-up – Take the Green Dog Walker pledge – Your Environment & Community (


Guide to claiming Universal Credit

Due to the impact of Coronavirus over 5.5 million people are claiming Universal Credit. Many of them are new to claiming Universal Credit having been negatively impacted by Coronavirus.

We’re encouraging Parish Councils to share the following guide on their website and/or social media to help local people navigate claiming Universal Credit.

Here’s the Universal Credit guide

Public Participation at Parish Council meetings

Public Participation at Parish Council Meetings

The following may offer some guidance to members of the public on how a Council meeting works and when members of the public can participate. The guidance is based on that provided by the National Association of Local Councils and is similar to that provided by Parish Councils nationwide.

The role of the Parish Council

Parish councils are a local authority that makes all kinds of decisions on issues that affect the local community – most commonly planning matters, crime prevention, managing open spaces and working to deliver better services. Parish Councillors are unpaid volunteers who give their time and service freely to assist the local community. Westow Parish Council is made up of 9 Councillors (one of whom is elected as Chairperson) and the Clerk.

Meetings of the Parish Council (PC) are not public meetings but members of the public have a statutory right to attend meetings of the council as observers. They have no legal right to speak unless the PC Chairperson authorises them to do so. However, as part of its community engagement, Westow PC now sets out a time during the meeting agenda for public participation when members of the public are invited to speak.

Are residents allowed to speak or contribute?

A public participation session takes place following a temporary adjournment of the meeting. It is an opportunity for members of the public to:

(a) make representations,

(b) answer questions or

(c) give evidence relating to the business to be transacted.

Such sessions form part of the PC meeting in law and shall be duly minuted.

Procedure for a member of the public to speak at Parish Council meetings

Members of the PC are always willing to discuss topics put forward by the public. The following points are intended to help make the best use of the public participation session.

  •  If at all possible please make a call or send an email prior to the meeting to the Clerk to let them know you wish to speak or raise an issue at a forthcoming PC meeting. This is because the Clerk can bring along to the meeting, or research before the meeting, information which may help Councillors with the query.
  • Our agenda is prepared about a week before each council meeting so you will need to inform the Clerk about 10 days prior to the date of the meeting. Although this might seem a long time in advance, the PC is required by law to publicise its agenda at least 3 clear days before each meeting. (The date for the next meeting is given at the end of the Minutes of the previous meeting which can be found on the Westow PC website and are also posted on the Westow village noticeboard.)
  • When the meeting reaches the agenda item of ‘public participation’, the Chairperson will suspend the meeting and members of the public will be allowed to speak. At this point Parish Councillors should not interrupt or debate issues with the public, but sometimes, if it is counter-productive not to, they may respond.
  • The time for the public participation session is limited to 10 minutes. Please study the agenda carefully so that when the opportunity arises you can make the best use of your time. If more than one member of the public wishes to speak on the same topic then they should nominate one person to speak on their behalf. This will avoid duplication and make the best use of the public participation period. Ideally someone should try and speak for no more than 3 minutes especially if there are others waiting to speak.
  • The Chairperson has the right to say that any question or statement is inappropriate and will not be accepted.
  • Neither Parish Councillors nor the Clerk should be put under pressure to respond immediately to comments made during the public participation session. Members of the public do not have a right to force items onto the agenda nor to insist on how matters are recorded in the minutes.
  • When all the members of the public who wish to speak have done so the Chairperson will resume the PC meeting. A decision binding in law (this is particularly relevant to financial decisions) cannot be made unless a specific item is included on the agenda. Thus, after the public participation session the PC will consider the   items raised and decide:

a) if the issue raised is on the current meeting agenda then it will be discussed under the appropriate item

b) if it is a matter which can be referred by the Clerk to another authority, or;

c) if the item is not on the agenda, and may need a PC decision or expenditure, it would need to go onto a   future agenda.

  • After the public participation session, members of the public are welcome to stay for the remainder of the PC meeting as observers, but will not be able to join in discussion unless invited to do so by the Chairperson.

What about ‘bad behaviour’ at a Parish Council meeting

All persons present will act respectfully towards every other person present and will not act in a manner that demeans, insults, threatens or intimidates him or her. All statements, questions and responses must be related to the facts of the matter and not personal in nature. Members of the public disturbing a PC meeting will be asked by the Chairperson to desist in any behaviour considered to be disrupting the meeting. If the behaviour continues the PC can resolve, without discussion, that the person(s) withdraw from the meeting.

September 2020

Photo request


We like to use photographs of the Yorkshire area in our annual review.
If you have some good photos of features of your parish, please send
them to us in j.peg format, telling us the name of the parish and
details of what is in the photo. Please send these to:

Consultation: Tackling Loneliness


The draft Loneliness Strategy for North Yorkshire is now available for consultation.

Councils and parish meetings are invited to review and feedback on this strategic framework for preventing and tackling loneliness in North Yorkshire.  They are also invited to forward the details of this consultation to voluntary groups, charities and other organisations in their parish.

This is a county-wide framework which has been developed as part of The Loneliness Campaign, a project funded through the National Lottery Community Fund, North Yorkshire County Council and Defra to help support and inspire more local action to ‘turbo charge’ the county’s response to tackling loneliness.

The framework can be viewed and commented on by clicking the links below:

TLC County-Wide Strategic Framework Consultation

The consultation for this strategy is open until midnight on Sunday 1 December 2019.

If you have any questions about The Loneliness Campaign or experience any problems accessing the survey please email


Swift boxes

If anyone would like a nesting box for swifts there are two available. They need to be assembled (which is quite straightforward) and advice is available. Just email